the entire work is subject to international COPYRIGHT law JvzZ

SAHEL:   2003 Kupfer (copper) 96x96x60 cm

           goya "AFTER 3.4.1808" (canvas,oil; celldetails, muskle-cell-flow, fatcells=energy ) 150x200 cm

           What happens after Death?    E=mc2

"me versus L.U.C.A. 1998; (oil.p, sudanrot gegenfaerbung lichtgruen, fatcells=energy) 200x150 cm

              genetic blues: steel, copper, ceramic, oilpaint, kunstdarm + 28 figures (copper,oilpaint) 5x 2x10 m)

" ambivalence-introspection" 1985;    (460 x 165 x 120 cm)

steel,copper, oil-p., acrylglas, 2 monitors (2 VIDEOS) (torture + art)

"inside the world outside the world " 1985  (canvas, oil, steel, copper, mirrows, fotopaper) 210x210x80 cm

Framing, (mirroring): "die "wahrheit" ueber die wirklichkeit ist der effekt des narrativen (ideologischen, wissenschaftlichen kuenstlerischen,etc.) rahmens, den man zu ihrer beschreibung waehlt"


                                             "belle de soleil!, copper, oil, 1 monitor (1 video)

"welcome"  it`s the oeconomy, stupid", 1982;  copper, oil sand, marmor, acryiglas


                   WHERE? 1986, Steel, copper, basalt, oil


colour-form-problem of gentechnology, 1987

              "picasso in sarajewo" ( steel, leinen, copper, oil

           "selfobservation"  1987, steel, copper,oil 176x135 cm

"pandora-wheel with well ordered material" ; steel, latao, copper,  200,220x 120cm, 1997

   "worldgames" steel, copper, basalt, spots, 5 monitore, dias, 5x2.50x3m; 1997

           "last sex" ( steel, copper, latao, 1993

              "AFTER VENICE"  ( steel, copper, sand,4  monitors,2  projectors, wood, glas, leather, basalt, 7x7m, 1995

"constitution chair" ; (latao, polyester, steel, glas, oil)  220x200x120 cm (1980-1988)

cellgames  2000   (copper, steel,acryl,paint)

"cell-light-dancers"  ( copper, acrylglas, oil, electric)


"urscene"  (copper, acrylglas, electric)

"cat, pope, beckett thinking about...." ( steel, copper, latao, oil) 246x100x 20 cm